Swiftie since the beginning.

I’ve been a fan of Taylor Swift since the beginning, anyone who knows me knows this. I love most of her songs. I mean you’re not going to love every song that someone makes. Even if you dislike her you know there’s at least one song of hers you secretly like. Or if you don’t like it, it still gets stuck in your head at some point in time.

I know not everyone is a Taylor fan, but I just can’t help but love her. No matter what she does. Even when she changed her song It took me a while to get into it, but then I slowly started falling in love with her new style. I love that she never did things just because that’s what the media wanted her to do. She always stayed herself.

Her new song is AMAZING! I was hooked from the second I first heard it. I love her new style, and the whole FU to everyone that has hurt her in the past. She’s never afraid to write and sing her feelings. That’s what I love so much about her.

I’ve never taken sides about the whole Kim, Kanye, and Katy Perry issues. Because honestly I can’t stand any of them. Kim and Kanye think the World is there’s and they are up their own butts. Katy Perry, well her music I use to love but then she just because I don’t know. I just can’t stand her music anymore. Plus she thinks shes all that when she’s just annoying…in my opinion anyway.

I’ve always been obsessed that even my sister makes jokes saying how If I ever loved a girl it would be her. Even though my best friend said that she believes that would be Ruby Rose, but that’s another story haha.

What I’m trying to get to is no matter what life gives her, she will fight through and will still be just as amazing, talented, and beautiful as she always has been.

Sorry not sorry

Who else is obsessed with Demi Lovato?  There is no denying her talent. Her music is catchy, fun, and you can’t help but start dancing when you hear most of her songs. I know Some people are not going to agree with me, but even if you dislike her there is at least one song of hers you know you have gotten stuck in your head.

I’ve been a huge fan since Camp Rock. I thought she was pretty and I loved her singing voice.  Her music has changed a little, and I usually get upset when artist change. But with her I’ve enjoyed every album and song she’s done. I also think she is prettier now then she ever has been.

I’ve always loved her fashion. She can pull off anything she wears and look gorgeous. It doesn’t matter if she wears make-up or not she looks beautiful either way.

I’ve been watching the Netflix series “From Dust Till Dawn” and there where a few episodes she was in. It was pretty cool seeing her play that character. I don’t understand why people say she’s not a good actress, everything I’ve seen her in I’ve loved. I mean I could be biaest because being a fan, but I don’t see why so many people dis on her. She’s been acting since she was young, so that must mean she isn’t but so bad right?

Team Ryan or Team Dove

So I’ve been a fan of Dove Cameron and Ryan McCartan for a while now. Truthfully I didn’t watch “Liv and Maddie” and I didn’t even know Ryan was on there. I became a fan when he was in the movie “Summer Forever”. Dove, I became a fan when I watched “Descendants”. I mean I watched a few episodes, but not enough to know who was which character or who was in it other then Dove of course. Then I heard their song “Glowing in the dark”, and I loved it. I became a fan of their group “The girl and the dreamcatcher”.

I thought Dove and Ryan where so adorable together. I was excited when I saw that they got engaged, they looked so happy. When they decided to call it quits, it was sad and as all other fans I got upset. But I don’t get why everyone has to take sides. I mean it’s their business none of ours. I’m still a fan of both, I don’t care that they are not together. I’m not going to choice rather I’m team Dove or team Ryan. To tell you the truth I think its a little immature for people to get so into it. The way that Doves Fans try to hard to put Ryan down, and His fans to Dove. I mean seriously people just leave them alone.

I mean I understand the whole thing with fans asking Dove “what about Ryan?” and I agree. But she’s not dating him anymore and it is her song just as much as it is his. I get what people are saying and all, but just let it be. And to the people who are all over Ryan for saying “our Song” guess what? it is also his song! Just because you’re a Dove fan doesn’t give you the right to try to set him straight saying things like ” Nah that’s Doves song”. I really don’t understand why people have to make it as if they actually know the person personally and that their opinions are actually going to faze them.

I really don’t care who was in the wrong in the relationship, or who broke-up with who., and I’m not going to go team Ryan or Team Dove. I’m still a fan of both and they are both talented actors and have amazing voices.


Ok, so I’m seriously Obsessed with Niki and Gabi’s song RU. It’s very catchy and up beat. I first heard it two days ago, and was hooked from the moment I heard the music. Usually It takes me a few listens, but instantly fell in love. The video is also fun to watch. The lyrics get stuck in your head, every now and then I’ll catch myself dancing and singing to it in my head.

I’ve been a fan of Niki and Gabi for a while now. I’ve always loved their styles and how they are different from each other, but yet the same (of course they are twins). I love Niki’s hair and clothing style. I also love Gabi’s make-up and clothes. I enjoy watching their videos. They make me laugh and I sometimes get ideas sometimes, because I liked how they did something and I decided to try to so something similar. I can’t wait to see what they do next.


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