Sorry not sorry

Who else is obsessed with Demi Lovato?  There is no denying her talent. Her music is catchy, fun, and you can’t help but start dancing when you hear most of her songs. I know Some people are not going to agree with me, but even if you dislike her there is at least one song of hers you know you have gotten stuck in your head.

I’ve been a huge fan since Camp Rock. I thought she was pretty and I loved her singing voice.  Her music has changed a little, and I usually get upset when artist change. But with her I’ve enjoyed every album and song she’s done. I also think she is prettier now then she ever has been.

I’ve always loved her fashion. She can pull off anything she wears and look gorgeous. It doesn’t matter if she wears make-up or not she looks beautiful either way.

I’ve been watching the Netflix series “From Dust Till Dawn” and there where a few episodes she was in. It was pretty cool seeing her play that character. I don’t understand why people say she’s not a good actress, everything I’ve seen her in I’ve loved. I mean I could be biaest because being a fan, but I don’t see why so many people dis on her. She’s been acting since she was young, so that must mean she isn’t but so bad right?

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